We're back in business, baby. Get ready for six new issues fall through spring with content fresh off the boat Mondays and Wednesdays.
That's right—no more waiting on the tides. Sink into the latest issue once a month or wade with us as each story surfaces.
Fran discovered the world of cold-dipping during a search for peace and stillness. Her journey is a chilly one, but one that’s warmed her from the inside out.
My everyday name is Olivia. My traditional Dakota name is Šinákamina Ská Wiŋ, or White Shawl Shell Woman. I am a mother, a life giver, a caretaker, a wife, a daughter, and a sister. I am a member of the Sioux Valley Dakota Nation from my maternal...
Read the second place short story for The Nav’s 2024 Prose Prize!
Fran discovered the world of cold-dipping during a search for peace and stillness. Her journey is...
My everyday name is Olivia. My traditional Dakota name is Šinákamina Ská Wiŋ, or White Shawl Shell...
Read the second place short story for The Nav’s 2024 Prose Prize!
We turn to musical exchange students, Mount Washington, ex-athletes, literary and student-run magazines (*cough* now in print *cough*), transformative literature, and the tale of a tiger-striped man. Contributors share comical HR complaints, problematic plane ticket prices, a positive portrayal of young love in poetry, pictures of the moon, and a passerine charcoal piece.
Not only will we pay you with a cheque,
we'll pay you with "exposure".