Whether you’re a long time reader, or checking out the Nav for the first time, I’d like to take this opportunity to thank you for picking up the first issue of the brand new Navigator.
The team has been hard at work over the summer to bring in some great new changes to our format and editorial mandate. The Navigator is now a monthly magazine instead of a bi-weekly newspaper. We’ve also upgraded our website where, in addition to what gets printed, we will be publishing new content on a regular basis.
The content we publish has also changed. Our focus is now on publishing the work of VIU students, staff, faculty, and alumni, across all disciplines. We now publish all types of media, such as:
Visual Art
Short Fiction
Creative Nonfiction
Opinion Pieces
Personal Essay
Book Reviews
Scientific / Academic Articles
And much more!
We encourage everyone to make a submission to any one of our section editors, and we will work with you to ensure that the best possible version of your content is published.
To put it simply: no matter who you are, what you study, and how technically skilled you may or may not be at creating media, we would love to work with you.
We hope you enjoy this first issue, and that it inspires you to create some content of your own.
For all of us here at the Nav team, welcome to the new Navigator. We look forward to a great year of making the Navigator together with you.