Silent sleek ghost train
Slices through so much busyness;
Inside all is calm.
Tokyo Izakaya
Tasty snacks sizzle,
Tipsy salarymen smile,
While Chet Baker sings.
Autumn colours blaze,
Streams burble, scent of pine wafts;
Perfect harmony.
Sacred peak reflects
In the smoothness of the lake;
Eternity looms.
Zen Garden
Lonely rocks stranded
In a sea of rippled sand;
Now mind chatter stills.
Swish of kimonos,
Through narrow cobblestone alleys;
Cherry blossoms bloom.
Shinjuku by Night
Teeming crosswalks surge,
Dazzled by pulsing neon;
A cacophony.
On a Beach in Okinawa
Sand squelches underfoot,
Hard rain hammers, wind deafens;
How alive we are!