Reservist Attack False, Says RCMP

| 03.26.12

March 2012

It was originally reported that while walking home near the University Village Mall on 5th St. around 10:40 p.m., 23-year-old reservist Pte. Chad Shore was attacked by another man estimated to also be in his early twenties. Shore has since admitted to fabricating the incident, leaving the community of Nanaimo breathing a sigh of relief […]

It was originally reported that while walking home near the University Village Mall on 5th St. around 10:40 p.m., 23-year-old reservist Pte. Chad Shore was attacked by another man estimated to also be in his early twenties.

Shore has since admitted to fabricating the incident, leaving the community of Nanaimo breathing a sigh of relief while wondering why a young man would lie about something this serious.

Shore had said that on his way home that night, he was questioned by a stranger about being in the military before, without provocation, suddenly lunging at Shore with a knife. When Shore realized he was bleeding, he went to the 5th St. Subway Restaurant for help. He was given six stitches at Nanaimo Regional General Hospital.

“Since my original statement on this case, it has come to light that the allegations made by the reservist were not true,” says Superintendent Norm McPhail, the officer in charge of the Nanaimo detachment, in a press release issued on Mar. 13. “This incident did not happen, and there is no longer any need for community concern.”

McPhail says no charges are pending against Shore, since investigators determined there was no criminal intent when Shore made the false claims. Maj. Lena Angell, public affairs officer with Land Force Western Area based in Edmonton, says Shore is now undergoing medical evaluation.

“Pte. Shore’s health and well-being are the army’s focus, and ensuring that he has access to and receives the medical care that he requires,” Maj. Angell says. Shore has been instructed by the military not to comment on the situation, and spokespeople for the army in Edmonton say that the Canadian Armed Forces are confirming details about the case before commenting publicly.