Destruction Over Dialogue

Destruction Over Dialogue

In the wake of Vancouver Island University’s removal of the Palestinian Solidarity Encampment, Lee Groen speaks with Sara Kishawi about the school’s handling of the situation, the Canadian government’s hypocrisy, and what’s next for Palestinian solidarity protests.

Good Sport

Good Sport

I feel myself getting caught up in the game by this point. I haven’t even looked at the book I had tucked in my purse. The sport seemed impossible to play. How can the players just repeatedly ram their heads into a ball flying through the air? How can they keep track of everything that was happening? How can they run so fast? How can they get knocked down and instantly get back up to keep playing?

What is Asexuality, Barbara?

What is Asexuality, Barbara?

Alone on the interview couch, Barbara Burgardt, talks about her experience of Asexuality, and the Aro-Ace spectrum. This episode we’ll discuss the complexities of loving oneself, as well as love for family, friends, and aesthetics.

Blue Prints

Blue Prints

After the world is ravaged from war, a small group of survivors struggle to stay alive amidst the relentless attacks of the Kombat AI Drones—the KAID. Trained to shield their colony, Ever, Jaxon, Larissa, and Violet pride themselves on being protectors. But a seemingly normal takedown ends with more questions than answers: where—who—do the KAID soldiers come from, and how will the group continue to keep their people safe?

The Future of Storytelling

The Future of Storytelling

Creative Writing students and professors across departments are grappling with the rise of generative AI. Some people like it, others hate it. The big question is: what does the future hold for flesh-and-blood writers and artists? Sophia Wasylinko dives deep into the world of text and image generative AI and talks to Creative Writing, Digital Media, and Theatre students and faculty to get a better answer. She also shares her experiences and opinions as a soon-to-be graduate who has dabbled, not of her own volition, with these AI tools herself.