Features, Literature Spenser Smith: “People who choose to take this stuff can die. The answer is to choose not to take them. It’s a choice.” —R. D. This is a comment on a CBC story... Sean Desrochers Feb 10, 2021
Features, Multimedia The strange street names of Nanaimo “Spenser, you have two deliveries,” says Khoung, as he points at two tall paper bags stuffed with Chinese food, “The first one goes to 262 Twiggly... Spenser Smith Feb 10, 2016
Features Staying Sober: Inside Nanaimo’s private treatment centre Above: Edgewood treatment facility via edgewood.ca "You must be Spenser,” says a wide-smiled receptionist. “You’re here for Bill, right? He’ll be up... Spenser Smith Jan 13, 2016
Features The Voice of Rebel Mountain Press “I’ve always thought of myself as a little bit of a rebel,” says Lori Shwydky, a fourth-year Creative Writing student at VIU. That was Shwydky’s... Spenser Smith Nov 18, 2015