Nav Gone Wild
Here at The Nav, we’ve done everything in our creative power to dispel the darkness that November brings. Us Navigators went a little “wild” and created content to rid you of end of semester blues, spark some fire in your soul, and give you a bit of a chuckle. Please enjoy book reviews on female rage, nature bathing in all dimensions, travelling on a plane (and a sailboat), and physically getting away from our problems (aka hiking).
Not Today / James O’Reilly
James O’Reilly is a skilled photographer from Courtenay, British Columbia. He specializes in capturing the unique beauty of decaying structures, architectural marvels, experimental portraits, and the enigmatic allure of night photography. With a portfolio spanning across Canada, his work has graced the pages of Portal Magazine on two occasions, showcasing his keen eye for uncovering hidden and often overlooked compositions in his quest for visual storytelling.
November Horoscopes
by Sophia Wasylinko
Not only will we pay you with a cheque,
we’ll pay you with “exposure”.