

Hey Siri, play “Dreamer” by Hilary Duff.(If you don’t know that song, I don’t like you.) Kidding! Here at The Nav, 2024 is all about self-care: setting new goals, creating better sleep habits, and taking the time to watch the clouds go by. Put your sleeping mask on for bedtime story vibes and wild rides as we explore subconscious symbols, dream jobs, that railway we really need on the island, and some futuristic art.

The Nav logo over a dreamy background of pink clouds and crescent moon

January  2024 


An illustration on a person with shopping bags on both arms and boxes piled high, with one free hand they have a cell phone in which they are adding a new item to their cart

12 Months of Less

The Nav’s Managing Editor is on a quest to spend less in 2024. That means giving up her weekly treats and saying no to sales that pop up in her inbox. Follow along as Megan offers consumer detox 101 and takes you through her 12 months of less.

A Dream in a Dream

Can two or more people have the same dream? What are some common dream themes or motifs that people share? Sophia Wasylinko asked her fellow Creative Writing students some complex questions about their dream experiences. Let’s just say they gave her more questions than answers, along with strange...
Drawing containing arrows in various colours representing changing dream directions via lucid dreaming. Excerpted from dream journal.

I Believe I Can Fly

Most aspiring lucid dreamers have intense training regimens. Others, like our Associate Editor, prefer to wing it. Soar through the story of this dreamer’s awakening as they reflect on how they gained lucidity, where it went, and what changed—including their relationship with...

Living the Dream

I know some people record dreams to find meaning and think about how they work, while others do so to aid in lucid dreaming, but I record them just because I think it’s really funny to share them.

Behind Shut Eyes

We have evolved to sleep, but why? And why does it take up so much of our day? “Behind Shut Eyes” explores the history of sleep in science, and why it’s important for our bodies to function.

Because Dreaming Costs Money, My Dear

Some of us may enter university deadset on a career for the typical reasons: job security, benefits, and, of course, salary. But that perfect job isn’t always what we dream of and it often comes down to a choice: profit vs. passion. Ella shares her own experience and interviews a VIU grad to...

Because Dreaming Costs Money, My Dear

Some of us may enter university deadset on a career for the typical reasons: job security, benefits, and, of course, salary. But that perfect job isn’t always what we dream of and it often comes down to a choice: profit vs. passion. Ella shares her own experience and interviews a VIU grad to discuss how we can follow our dreams in a capitalist world.
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Behind Shut Eyes

We have evolved to sleep, but why? And why does it take up so much of our day? “Behind Shut Eyes” explores the history of sleep in science, and why it’s important for our bodies to function.
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Living the Dream

I know some people record dreams to find meaning and think about how they work, while others do so to aid in lucid dreaming, but I record them just because I think it’s really funny to share them.
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Drawing containing arrows in various colours representing changing dream directions via lucid dreaming. Excerpted from dream journal.

I Believe I Can Fly

Most aspiring lucid dreamers have intense training regimens. Others, like our Associate Editor, prefer to wing it. Soar through the story of this dreamer’s awakening as they reflect on how they gained lucidity, where it went, and what changed—including their relationship with dreaming.
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A Dream in a Dream

Can two or more people have the same dream? What are some common dream themes or motifs that people share? Sophia Wasylinko asked her fellow Creative Writing students some complex questions about their dream experiences. Let’s just say they gave her more questions than answers, along with strange stories and connections she never saw before. Join these students on their strange trips to...
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An illustration on a person with shopping bags on both arms and boxes piled high, with one free hand they have a cell phone in which they are adding a new item to their cart

12 Months of Less

The Nav’s Managing Editor is on a quest to spend less in 2024. That means giving up her weekly treats and saying no to sales that pop up in her inbox. Follow along as Megan offers consumer detox 101 and takes you through her 12 months of less.
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Dreamer 4856 has dinner with Anna Kendrick. Dreamer 2003’s teeth scatter across the kitchen floor. Dreamer 1723 relives an awkward bar mitzvah.


Dreamer 4856 has dinner with Anna Kendrick. Dreamer 2003’s teeth scatter across the kitchen floor. Dreamer 1723 relives an awkward bar mitzvah.
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Dreaming in VR

Join Mike as he figures out how to fix his brain so he can dream again. Spoiler: He winds up in a digital wonderland.

Dreaming of Island Rail

Despite having nearly 300km of dormant rail lines, it has been years since any kind of substantial train service has operated on Vancouver Island. Our resident transit nerd Ben set out to look into why this is and what the future might hold for these abandoned tracks.

Dreaming of Island Rail

Despite having nearly 300km of dormant rail lines, it has been years since any kind of substantial train service has operated on Vancouver Island. Our resident transit nerd Ben set out to look into why this is and what the future might hold for these abandoned tracks.
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From Human to Diffusion

Join Jack as we learn how to dream with Artificial Intelligence. Integrate new tools into your workflow, and look forward to the future of AI. From text and image generation to music and more! From the amazing things we may some day create with AI, to the insidious dangers of data-driven machine...

From Human to Diffusion

Join Jack as we learn how to dream with Artificial Intelligence. Integrate new tools into your workflow, and look forward to the future of AI. From text and image generation to music and more! From the amazing things we may some day create with AI, to the insidious dangers of data-driven machine learning.
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Approaching Nightmare / Charlie Szafron

Our web developer, Charlie Szafron, is currently enrolled at Vancouver Island University, pursuing a degree in Information Technology and Applied Systems, specializing in Web and Mobile Development. A native of Parksville, a picturesque beach town on the island, Charlie has always harmonized their innate creativity with a logical approach. While their professional work in development skillfully blends these attributes, Charlie also enjoys maintaining a creative project on the side purely for enjoyment.

January Horoscopes

by Sophia Wasylinko


New year, new you. And you’re feeling new and improved! All that time off for the holidays—Christmas, Kwanzaa, whatever you celebrate—gave you some much-needed energy. (Along with the turkey and sugar.) Don’t worry about your coursework this semester—you’ll be able to handle it, no problem! Just don’t forget to take it easy and have fun. Remember: work smart, not hard.


The new year is all about turning a new leaf. We don’t mean a personality overhaul necessarily. But maybe you’ve got a score to settle and need to be more assertive. Or you’re suddenly a parent/godparent with responsibilities you’re not feeling ready for. It’s time to embrace challenges and get out of your comfort zone. Don’t be afraid to ask for help. We’re growing every day to become stronger than we were 365 (or in 2024’s case, 366) days ago!


Sometimes life turns into a cycle of dates and deadlines. As a student, it can be difficult to find time for yourself. Maybe your hobbies no longer interest you. Fear not, we have some ideas that might help. Choose something from your library’s “New Releases” section. Google “K-pop songs” and listen to the first 10 tracks that pop up. Or experience a culture you’re unfamiliar with at Culture Couch. Try to learn something new every day, so your life becomes richer.


Now, Cancer, it’s great that you have so many projects on the go. But there’s someone in your life who’s feeling neglected. Doesn’t have to be a person—it could be the dog you haven’t walked in ages or the cat who hasn’t been fed since this morning. It’s time to re-evaluate your priorities. Instead of starting something new, dial things back so you can give this attention to your loved ones. Then everyone’s happy (including the cat.)


Okay, Leo, it’s time to get serious. There’s at least one healthy habit you should probably implement this year. It could be turning off your phone before bed instead of bingeing YouTube (we’ve all done that). Or maybe it’s going on a 20-minute walk around the neighborhood. It doesn’t have to be drastic, like running a marathon, but something that’s simple and easy to add. Most importantly, you should feel happy making the change. With good habits, you’ll become a better leader, better human, better you!


One word: boundaries. We know that the new year is about change and new beginnings and all that jazz, but there’s such a thing as too much! Take it easy with the parties and extracurriculars. If your friends want to hang out when you should be working on things, ask yourself: “Do I want to go out now and have more to do later, or do I want to pass so I have more time for fun?” We’ll leave it up to you. Do the responsible thing!


Some people are excited about 2024. Not you—you’re still recovering from 2020. Besides the fatigue with changing the calendar, you’re also apprehensive about big life changes (moving, graduation, breaking up with your partner). Not everyone gets why you’re so detached, and we’re sorry about that. Take all the time you need. Go see a counselor or spiritual adviser. Practice some mindfulness and remind yourself there are still things you can control. You’ll get the confidence you need to get through January and the rest of the year.


Responsibility. That’s your buzzword for 2024. Now that your classes are under control, it’s time to practice your leadership skills. Why not take charge of that group presentation? How about planning the next club fundraiser? If you’re extroverted but a little overbearing, pull back a bit to let others shine. If you’re introverted or less confident, don’t be afraid to ask for help. By the end of this year or even semester, you’ll be more assertive than you were at the start.


It’s never too early for spring cleaning. Especially after the holidays when you probably got more presents—and stuff—than you needed! Start 2024 with a clean work/living space that will give you the good vibes you need. If the year’s off to a rough start, take out your frustration on the dust bunnies and dirt that’s piled up over the break. Oh, and now’s a good time to finally look for some new second-hand furniture and art pieces. Have fun and good luck!


Our first VIP of the year! With your larger-than-life personality, busy-bee attitude, and detail-oriented work ethic, you’re the perfect sign to kick off 2024. But deep down, you’re tired of all this hustle and bustle. You want to relax while not slacking off or seeming insincere. Don’t worry, there’s nothing wrong with cutting back a bit. It may be time to get rid of unnecessary commitments that are tiring you out. Save the energy for when you need it later this year.


Our other VIP of the month. Like Libra, you’re not excited for 2024. However, it’s more about leaving the (relative) peace and quiet of Winter Break and returning to the chaos of campus. Don’t feel pushed to attend the first Open Mic Night or Mariners games of the semester. Find a quiet corner of the house for your new book and some hot chocolate. Meet one or two people instead of a crowd and gently ease yourself back into social life. Then, let the craziness begin!


While other people plan to lose weight or publish their novel, you’re hoping to get socially active. You may have even already joined a group that shares your views. But there’s a problem: everyone has a different opinion or way they do things, and you’re feeling discouraged. Communication is key. Outline what you’d like to achieve and how to compromise without hurting anyone’s feelings. Focus on the common goal instead of disagreeing about minor details.

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