In Issue 10 of The Navigator we invited readers to submit their poems for a chance to see Shane Koyczan perform at The Port Theatre on March 25. This is one of two winning submissions. Click here to read the other.
By Ciro Di Ruocco
A nine year old opens the door.
Eyes weepy and red. My heart drops.
A nightmare unfolds.
Please wake up. Pinch skin. Wake up!
Body is calm and adrenaline kicks in.
My heroine takes the boy.
Dial 9-1-1! she exclaimed.
Not another friend lost.
Six souls lay to rest on Valentine’s night.
12 parents forever changed.
The loss of life.
Angry at the disease.
Tears running down my cheeks.
Dropping to my knees.
Cherish those you love.
Hold them tight.
I miss my friend.
Loss and love on Valentine’s night.