BC Administers First Vaccinations for COVID-19

Lauryn Mackenzie
| 12.18.20

December 2020

The first COVID-19 immunizations in BC have been administered in what the province is calling the most comprehensive vaccine program in the province’s history. Nisha Yunus, a residential care aide of 41 years in the Vancouver Coastal Health region, was one of the first people in BC to receive the vaccine, while Linda Latour, a […]
Pictured is Nisha Yunus sitting down on a chair wearing a black face mask as she receives her immunization. The nurse beside her is wearing a non-medical blue face mask as she pokes the needle into Nisha's arm.

Today marks the first day of British Columbia’s provincewide COVID-19 immunizations, the most comprehensive vaccine program to ever be delivered in B.C. / Image via Government of BC Flickr.com

The vaccines will be free for everyone in British Columbia.

The first COVID-19 immunizations in BC have been administered in what the province is calling the most comprehensive vaccine program in the province’s history.

Nisha Yunus, a residential care aide of 41 years in the Vancouver Coastal Health region, was one of the first people in BC to receive the vaccine, while Linda Latour, a health-care assistant, was the first person in the Fraser Health region to be vaccinated.

Yunus and Latour work in environments where they support and provide personal care to seniors. The BC government said that this vaccine will ensure the safety of them and the people they care for.

The Pfizer vaccine is the first COVID-19 vaccine to be approved by Health Canada. It is being administered to front-line health-care workers essential to COVID-19 response and health-care workers who work in long-term care homes. The Moderna COVID-19 vaccine is in its last stage of clinical trials and is expected to be approved.

The Pfizer and Moderna vaccine require two doses spaced out at least three weeks apart for efficacy. The vaccines will be free for everyone in British Columbia.

Starting December 21, 2020, the government will be delivering vaccines to all health authorities weekly. The timeline of the deployment will depend on vaccine approval and availability, and will be provided to other priority groups in BC as vaccines become more available.

The BC government reminds everyone that all vaccines—COVID-19 related or not—go through rigorous scientific review processes for safety, quality, and efficacy at Health Canada before public use is approved.

Nisha Yunus receives the vaccine / Image via Government of BC Flickr.com

Starting December 21, 2020, the government will be delivering vaccines to all health authorities weekly.
The vaccines will be free for everyone in British Columbia.

Nisha Yunus receives the vaccine / Image via Government of BC Flickr.com

Starting December 21, 2020, the government will be delivering vaccines to all health authorities weekly.

Lauryn is a fourth-year Digital Media Studies student. She has had her work featured in the Powell River Peak, Portal Magazine, and The Discourse. When she’s not looking up fun facts about bees, she’s probably fantasying about Portland, Oregon.