Reviving Girls on Fire
The Return of VIU's Feminist Club
Jack Corfield | Associate Media Editor
Join Jack, Becca, and Frankie as we discuss the return of VIU's feminism club, a space for everyone! In this short update, we explore the exciting prospects for community creation and education that forming a club like Girls on Fire provides. Keep an eye out for upcoming events like Period Trivia and more...
11.04.24| Vol. 56, No. 3 | Audio
Becca and Frankie in front of VIU’s gym outside the student union building.
Feminism is an intersectional thing, and it isn't just for women.
Frankie Spear-Beuchamp
Jack is a fifth-year Creative Writing and Media Studies student who spends their island time writing novels and creating digital art. In 2023, they were the President of VIU’s Creative Writing Club and co-Managing Editor of Portal Magazine. Their art, script, and poetry appears in Portal and is most prominent in the 2024 issue featuring their digitized "Circuit Girl" on the cover. Jack also has notable Nav lore as The Nav's very first Podcaster.