The Tiger Method

01.10.25| Vol. 56, No. 4 | Audio
Do you believe a human being can transform into a tiger?
Listen in as Crawford Giles brings together a talented cast of actors for the most realistic recreation of a historical event ever to be recorded. Will the production be a hit? Will it go off the rails in spectacular fashion? And who will be left standing when the proverbial curtain falls?
This is the first of two parts, the second to be released in February 2025.
Original stageplay written by Evan Shumka.
Voice Talent Starring:
Allaina Wager as Jenna Carroway
Haley Turnbull as Jenna’s mother, Maria Carraway
Padraig Sean Hogan as Lloyd Richards
Nicole Darlington as Ada Marchenko
The mysterious “Sam” as Roy McQuade
And Mitchell Wager as our lovely narrator and host, Crawford Giles.
Additional credits to
Thunder-Rolling-2.wav by svampen
License: Attribution 3.0
Birds of the city park.wav by dibko
License: Attribution 4.0
tiger roar by videog
License: Attribution 4.0
Jack is a fifth-year Creative Writing and Media Studies student who spends their island time writing novels and creating digital art. In 2023, they were the President of VIU’s Creative Writing Club and co-Managing Editor of Portal Magazine. Their art, script, and poetry appears in Portal and is most prominent in the 2024 issue featuring their digitized "Circuit Girl" on the cover. Jack also has notable Nav lore as The Navigator's very first Podcaster.